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The University operates 32 car parks at which the demand for staff parking far outweighs the available space. For this reason, parking has to be strictly controlled, and University employees wishing to park their car must apply for a permit.

Permits are then issued to named members of staff according to availability of spaces, staff numbers, and need. We assume that not everyone will use their space each day, and so more permits are allocated than there are spaces available, to the ratio of a maximum of 1.8:1.

If you require a parking permit, you should make an application on a yearly basis during the application window, which runs from June to August. Your application will be considered using a strict criteria, which are listed in order of priority, below:

  1. person who is a Blue Badge Holder;
  2. persons with other medical or physical conditions which necessitate that they should park in close proximity to their place of work;
  3. family commitments - a need to attend to dependent family members during the day (e.g. taking/collecting children to/from nursery or school, visiting elderly or hospitalised family members) in areas not immediately accessible by public transport;
  4. unsocial hours of work - a requirement to work unsocial hours on a regular and frequent basis, finishing and/or starting at a time when public transport provision does not provide a viable alternative;
  5. persons having a requirement to use a car for work purposes on a regular basis during the working day as an essential part of their duties;
  6. persons who are prepared to undertake a formal car sharing arrangement;
  7. inadequate public transport - applicable to staff who reside beyond a distance where they could reasonably be expected to walk or cycle to work, in areas beyond reasonable reach of public transport. [Staff applying on this basis should note why they need to drive into Cambridge rather than use the Park and Ride.]
  8. staff who are willing and able to park their vehicle at the University secure park and cycle facility and cycle, walk or take the University shuttle bus service to their place of work (only those staff working on Central Sites are eligible).

Research and other students are not granted parking badges except on medical grounds.

Special passes for evening/weekend parking and for regular visitors are available on some sites - ask your local administrator for details.

How do I apply for a car parking permit?

Please complete this form if you wish to apply for a car parking permit. [Note: the form is closed from 19th June until 24th June]

Please note you will need a Raven account to access this form (to find out more about Raven go to:

We will send the Departmental Administrator details of their Department's applications for verification and final approval before permits are issued.

For information on how we use your data in Car Parking Applications, please refer to this page.

Please note that staff are not guaranteed a parking permit as we usually receive more applications than available spaces.


If you require further information or advice on parking regulations within the University please contact:

Facilities Management
University Centre
Granta Place
Cambridge CB2 1RU
01223 (7)48134

Further travel information for staff, students and visitors is available on the dedicated Travel web page which is managed by the Environment Section.