Accidental Release of Asbestos
In the case of an uncontrolled or accidental release of asbestos fibres into the workplace the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR2012) requires that all persons are excluded from the affected area. An adequate assessment is required and an emergency action plan implemented.
The following must be carried out:
- Step 1 Stop work and activities immediately. Clear the area of all personnel by using nearest exit point. Leave any tools and contaminated overalls behind. Isolate the location, such as a single room, by closing all the doors and windows and turn off air conditioning/warm air systems if possible.
- Step 2 Prohibit all access to the area.
- Step 3 Inform the named representative for the building i.e. Departmental Secretary, Administrator, Safety Officer, Chief Technician or Building Manager who will take initial control of the situation.
- Step 4 Inform the Estates Division Asbestos Team, or if out of hours, contact the University Security Control Centre (USCC) on 01223 331818.
Estates Division Helpdesk | 01223 337784 |
If out of hours or in the event of a serious incident, contact the University Security Control Centre (USCC) who will contact the appropriate University personnel |
01223 331818 Internal 24/7: 101 |
- Step 5 Where persons and clothing may have been contaminated, individual(s) should remain nearby, outside of the affected area, and stay away from other people to await further advice from the ED Asbestos Team.
- Step 6 An Asbestos Team member or their agent (such as an Estates Division approved Asbestos Consultant) will assess the situation, access the area with appropriate personal protective equipment and decide on a further course of action.
Subsequent actions to be taken following Steps 1 to 6:
- Estates Division (or its agent) will organise the necessary remedial work.
- Personnel potentially exposed to contaminated dust or debris will be instructed on appropriate personal decontamination.
- Information regarding potential exposure must be relayed to all persons who may have been affected by the uncontrolled release.
- The area must be kept clear of anyone not involved in the remedial action until air monitoring has confirmed that fibre counts are at acceptable levels.
- Following an assessment, the incident may need to be reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) as directed by the Director of the University Safety Office.
- All incidents should be recorded electronically via the ‘University Online Accident/Incident Online Report’. The Safety Office will gather information, make notifications to relevant parties such as Occupational Health, Estates Division, the Department, and facilitate the development of actions in response to the incident.