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The Reshaping the Estate team are working with the academic community to establish the facts and present the opportunities, that will lead to creating an estate that is more efficient, more effective, more environmentally sustainable, and fit for purpose.

The programme is led by John Dennis and Matthew Punshon. At the heart of the approach is embedding a team of Engagement Leads within the University’s Schools and Non-School Institutions, who play a key role in supporting the programme to establish the demand for space and the space challenges and opportunities across the University. The Engagement Lead for each School /NSI is listed below.

At the same time, the Reshaping our Estate hypothesis team will be identifying opportunities within our existing estate to meet the demand in a way that supports the University’s mission, whilst significantly enhancing the staff and student experience, as well as driving down our carbon emissions and achieving value for money.

The programme’s specialist data analytics team supports both the engagement and hypothesis teams, building the evidence base against which any plans will be reviewed. They will all work closely with other teams and programmes across the University, including Cambridge University Libraries and the Programme Board for Education Spaces (PBES).

You can contact the Reshaping our Estate team at:

The Reshaping our Estate Stakeholder Engagement Team:

  Name and email address Role
John Dennis

John Dennis



Lead Academic Sponsor
Matthew Punshon

Matthew Punshon

Programme Lead
Jo Wilson

Jo Wilson

Programme Manager and Engagement contact for School of Technology, UAS, UIS, Fitzwilliam Museum
Kate Higham

Kate Higham


Engagement Lead for the School of Biological Sciences, and School of Clinical Medicine
Rebecca le Count

Rebecca le Count

Engagement Lead for the School of Arts and Humanities, and School of Humanities and Social Sciences 
Lucinda Seagrove

Lucinda Seagrave

Engagement Lead for the School of Physical Sciences

Coral Dyer 

Engagement Lead for Cambridge  University Libraries
Josie Malone

Josie Malone


Communications & Engagement Support 


Hayley Walton

Communications & Engagement Support
Sam Rodrigues

Sam Rodrigues

Engagement Support 
Stuart Court

Stuart Court

Engagement Support