The Operational Change programme is developing and refining an improved systems landscape with the use of the latest software to provide a high-quality digital mirror of our portfolio and to improve customer service.
The new systems landscape provides data that Estates Division and building users need to access reliable information about what assets their spaces contain, with mobile apps providing maintenance engineers and their customers with the tools to manage planned preventative maintenance (PPM) requirements report faults.
We are using Invida software to create our Asset Register, which identifies and records the building assets that exist on the estate. Every University building is different and this software helps us to capture an accurate digital record of each building’s assets to help us and our customers understand the differing needs for each building and department. Invida helps us to work with building managers to create bespoke PPM plans to keep our buildings operating efficiently.
ZetaSafe software is being used to ensure that we meet compliance obligations to keep our buildings safe and secure.