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Control room Laundry Farm

The Asset Digitisation Project is creating a clear understanding of how our buildings operate by collating detailed and accurate data of building assets and systems such as boilers, fire extinguishers and lifts. 

Pulling this information together will deliver a range of benefits, ensuring that University buildings are safe and well-maintained. 

Asset Digitisation works on a building-by-building basis compiling and analysing information from previous asset verification exercises to develop a set of data that will be validated on site. 

At the same time Estates Division is running a ‘Building Reset’ project for urgent repairs and dealing with longstanding maintenance issues in each building. 

Following this building reset the Estates Division team is working with building managers to develop an agreed maintenance schedule known as a Planned Preventative Maintenance Programme. This work will also help to support the University’s decarbonisation plan.  

Building managers will also be provided with much greater visibility and access to information about the buildings, assets and maintenance plans via a new software platform.

This process has been completed in around 80% of buildings and we will be working closely with building managers and administrators to complete the review across the estate by the end of summer 2024. 

The team understands that each building has its own unique requirements and will work closely with building managers and administrators to agree responsibilities for undertaking activities in their buildings, ranging from weekly fire alarm tests to annual gas boiler services. Each building will benefit from a bespoke services plan.

For more information email the team