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The Sidgwick Site is home to many of the faculties and departments within the School of Arts and Humanities and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. 

Map of the Sidgwick Site, labelling where the different Schools and Faculty buildings are located

Allies and Morrison Architects (A&M) worked in conjunction with J&L Gibbons to provide a framework in which to allow the University and Schools on the Sidgwick Site to make strategic decisions about its Estate and the associated public realm and infrastructure over a 20-year period.  


The Sidgwick Site masterplan was overseen by the Joint Schools’ Space Planning Group (JSSPG), which has since been replaced by the Joint Schools’ Space Development Group. 

The proposals emerging from the review were presented to the Cambridge City Council Design and Conservation Panel in July 2016 and April 2017. 

The University will continue to consult with the city council, key stakeholders, members of the University and members of the public as projects progress. All feedback will be considered carefully. 


Enquiries regarding the Sidgwick Site masterplan should be directed to: 

Office of the School of Arts and Humanities 


Office of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences